On Wombats, Farming, DAOs And Everything In Between...

As you can already understand, our Wombat NFTs are quite unique and can help us create a new and impactful community-driven financial system.
But we get it, it raises quite a lot of questions, so let’s tackle them one by one:

Stage 1 (Join the Wombateam) Questions

The WombaTeam are a group of 10,000 unique collectible Wombat NFTs that are hand-drawn by our in-house artist and they are full of shit. Wait a minute! Did we just write shit? Holly crap, we did. Why? because they give a shit! Literally. Each Wombat can poop a number of turds according to its rarity, and we have big plans on turning these pooping machines into an impactful, community-driven financial system (see stage 3).

Minting a Wombat costs 0.05 ETH (+gas fee) and each one will have a different combination of traits (different backgrounds, facial expressions, clothes etc.) - some rarer than others.

No, it’s a lucky dip type of thing. We want the sale to be fair and square for all members of the community.

Why not? We couldn’t think of a cuter animal :)

Yes! We really love wombats and we want to donate 10% of the sales for Wombat related charities and research (This will be decided by the DAO, see stage 3).

You can join our Discord Channel and keep an eye on our next minting window date announcement.

You can view the minted part of the collection on OpeanSea

You can't yet see the explicit rarity yet. (this will be enabled via one of the 3rd party rarity analyzers after all the wombats are minted).

The more rare your wombat is - the more WPOO tokens he will poop daily.
Poopability trait will give you a sense of your wombat's metabolism! The scale goes from 41 (slower bowel movements) to 80 (full of shit!).

Yes, we will mint 300 Wombats (out of the 10,000) in advance, in order to reserve some for community giveaways, partners and the team.

Stage 2 (WPOO tokens generation) Questions

We’re glad you asked. These lovely marsupial creatures poop up to 80 cubes per day (yes - they drop that many cube-shaped turds each day. Magical, isn’t it?). We feel it would be a waste not to use this unique piece of information for something good, so we wrapped their poo into tokens (WPOO). That means your wombat produces WPOO every single day at 12UTC (provided you are following the collection rules).

The number of WPoo tokens your wombat will produce daily will depend on its rarity. The rarer your wombat - the more tokens you will get, but it should roughly range between 40 to 80. If we could guess what’s going through your mind while reading it, it’s probably something like “holy shit”!

You can use the WPOO Collecting DAPP to view your WPOO balance and collect it.
This is where things get really smelly and you’ll actually have to check this shit out.
But please note that the wombats (like most of us) don’t like to be surrounded by too much shit, so the WHO (Wombat Health Organization) guidelines are to collect WPOO at least once per week.

If you’ll collect it later- the Wombats will start feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this shit around them and their pooping capacity will reduce by 10% daily. If you’ll neglect your WPOO collecting duties for the whole 2 weeks - your Wombat will get so stressed - it’ll completely stop pooping.

Beyond this point, nature will come to their help as the feces will start degrading daily up to the point where after further 2 weeks - there will be no more WPOO left in the burrow. At this point, the only way to get your wombat to start pooping again - will be to thoroughly clean their burrow (claim/unstake) and hope they won’t hold a grudge against you for too long and will get back to the (stinky) business sooner rather than later.

Because you don’t shit where you eat. At least that’s the informal answer. The formal answer is that we care about the environment and don’t want you to spend too much gas on shit.

Good question. You can save, trade or put them in a (compostable) bag and throw them in the bin, BUT you can also use them to participate in the Wombat DAO activity by taking part in farming activities (see stage 3).

It’s very easy.

1.Click on the "add a network" button on your Metamask wallet networks list:

2. Fill in the following details:

  • Network name: Polygon Mainnet
  • New RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com
  • ChainId: 137

If you have any problems feel free to ask on our Discord channel.

Yes, MATIC is the Polygon network's native cryptocurrency and is used to pay for gas on transactions. You would need to pay the gas fees on each WPOO collection transaction.

In order to see your WPOO balance in your wallet you would have to set up the WPOO token in your Metamask:

1. Click on "import tokens"

2. Fill in the following details:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x557E6bf1442E47Edd7cc61d231257362e8f662d9
  • Token Symbol: WPOO
  • Token Decimal: 18

If you have any problems feel free to ask on our Discord channel.

Stage 3 (Farm Fertilising) Questions

A DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It’s a fancy name that means that the organisation created is not ruled by a specific owner but by the entire community as a whole (making it decentralized).

The WDAO will act as a collective, community-based financial institution. Together we can decide what can be done with the money earned. We can invest in other projects, we can develop the Wombat economy even further, we can create a non-for-profit fund and donate some of the earnings, we can support our community member’s projects, we can initiate new projects. In short - we can do whatever we want to and can agree upon.

We’ll be using discord for discussing the WIPs (Wombat DAO Improvement Proposals) and snapshot.org for voting on the proposals. Every member of the DAO would be able to formulate a proposal and put it out for the community to discuss and afterwards (potentially after a few rounds of refinements) to submit it for voting. In order to prevent spamming of the voting mechanism - a certain voting power threshold will need to be held by the user in order to submit it for voting. In order to pass, a WIP will need to both achieve a quorum and a majority voting in favour of it.

This is an excellent question!
First of all, half of the royalties from the secondary sales of the WombaTeam NFT’s will go into the treasury.
On top of it, unlike most of the DAOs out there, Wombat DAO will be launching without a predefined goal in mind and the DAO members will be the ones raising proposals as to particular projects & directions they’d like to build/run. It’s basically starting with a clean slate and anything should be possible, as the only limiting factor would be your imagination. Some activities could be not for profit, but other can definitely be for profit, and if built and executed properly (this is where the community plays the most important role), these would generate various revenue streams for Wombat DAO treasury.

The WombaTeam NFT is your entry ticket to the DAO as they produce WPOO that can be exchanged/staked to receive the Wombat DAO Governance token, called WDAO.
Your WDAO holdings will represent your voting power in the DAO.

In order to see your WDAO balance in your wallet you would have to set up the WDAO in your Metamask:

1. Click on "import tokens"

2. Fill in the following details:

  • Token Contract Address: 0x39A01bC10728d1F861c0b34eB06216eF95956525
  • Token Symbol: WDAO
  • Token Decimal: 18

If you have any problems feel free to ask on our Discord channel.

You have 2 ways of getting a hold of WDAO tokens – fertilizing and farming:
1. Fertilizing – You can deposit your WPOO tokens to the fertilizer. Your tokens will slowly disintegrate over a course of 2 weeks, and in return you will get the proportional amount of the fixed daily released WDAO tokens (according to your share of WPOO tokens in the fertilizer pile on that day).
2. Farming – You can provide liquidity on one of the supported DEXs and receive WDAO rewards on top of 0.3% trading fee which is shared between the pool participants. There are no lockup periods, however you will be exposed to potential impermanent loss.​

There will be a total of 21M WDAO tokens and these would be distributed over the course of 15 years (this is the average lifespan of a wombat in the wild). Every day ~3,835.6 WDAO tokens will drip from the fertilizer tank. Once the staking will be enabled - these rewards will be shared between the fertilizer tank and the staking.

The individual rewards will depend on the total number of participants in the staking, amount of WPOO staked and some other parameters, so it’s literally impossible to know in advance.

Got More Questions?

Ping us on our Discord Channel
and ask away