shits golden

When Life gives you POOMAKE DAO!

Convert your WPOO tokens to WDAO Governance tokens for your right to participate in the Wombat DAO

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But wait,let’s start at the end...

Since its inception, the whole wombat pooping NFT purpose was to create a DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization- which is a fancy way to say that the organization created is not ruled by a specific owner but by the entire community as a whole).

This way, we can decide what can be done with the money earned, together, as a community. We can invest in other projects, donate some of the earnings, support our community member’s projects etc.

In short - we can do whatever we want to and can agree upon.

rich wombat
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WDAO – your voting power

The Wombat DAO governance token is called WDAO and it represents your voting power in the DAO.

The more WDAOs you have, the more you can influence a decision.

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How do you get WDAO Tokens?

There are two ways to get your hands on these precious tokens:

  • Fertilizing

    Deposit your WPOO tokens to the fertilizer. Your tokens will slowly disintegrate over a course of 2 weeks, and in return you will get the proportional amount of the fixed daily released WDAO tokens (according to your share of WPOO tokens in the fertilizer pile on that day).

    Launch the Fertilizer
  • Farming

    Provide liquidity on one of the supported DEXs and receive WDAO rewards on top of 0.3% trading fee which is shared between the pool participants. There are no lockup periods, however you will be exposed to potential impermanent loss.

    Coming soon

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